Saturday 22 June 2013

Brollies, Breeches and Balls.

Brollies, Breeches and Balls.

So we’ve finally hit the summer solstice…not that many people would have noticed with the recent weather sadly.  Even those in the umbrella trade are hoping for at least some sunshine this year.

One of the guys from the office took some time out to head to Royal Ascot this week and, being a gambling man, decided to leave his brolly at home…he got lucky with the weather but not the horses apparently.  We girls were of course more interested in the fashions than the racing and soon found ourselves pouring over the pictures looking for fashion mistakes…amazing how many people look wonderful in their finery…then let themselves down with a clashing brolly!!  It seems such a shame to let the elements get to all your finery.

One person who always looked wonderful at Royal Ascot was Her Majesty The Queen.  Her love of horse racing is very well documented but the pictures showed her wonderful, unreserved joy as Estimate won the Ascot Gold Cup.  Just one more race on Her Majesty’s wish list now….the Epsom Derby.  Good luck Ma’am.

No sooner has the social event of the racing calendar finished, we move onto the event most of us proud Scots are looking forward to this year….Wimbledon.

Can our man Murray finally win in SW19? We certainly hope so in the office.  Our boss is a huge tennis fan and we are all hoping Murray does well as she can be a moody mare if he doesn’t!! ha ha.

We have been wracking our brains of late trying to think of a Wimbledon promotion and we have one or two in mind, be sure to pop back and check our blog during the SW19 tournament to check up on promotions and competitions.

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