Thursday 4 April 2013

Umbrellas in films

Well we held off as long as possible.

When we think of umbrellas one of the images that always comes to mind is the image of Julie Andrews floating to earth in the 1964 Disney classic Mary Poppins.  There can’t be anyone that hasn’t enjoyed this film. 

However, after a quick scan of the news this morning while waiting for the kettle to boil, I noticed that “extreme athlete” Erik Roner free fell for 10 seconds under an umbrella over California before deploying his parachute and floating safely back to earth.   There can’t be many people that haven’t given a little thought to doing this whilst deploying their brolly.  It must be the kid within all of us.

Another feature of the film (apart from a very dodgy cockney accent of course) is the horse race sequence…topical given the forthcoming Grand National.

The image of Mary Poppins got me to thinking of other films where an umbrella plays a leading role and another sprung to mind…Singing in the Rain.

Is there anyone that hasn’t pretended to be Gene Kelly when no one is around, swinging the brolly round, hoping on and off kerbs and generally splashing around?  I think it’s one of those guilty pleasures we have all done, but wouldn’t admit to!!  Especially after the popular TV programme, Glee, with Gwyneth Paltroe took a starring part. Also, Morecombe and Wise made a fantastic parody of this wonderful scene too.

Don’t forget we have a virtual sweepstake for all our twitter followers.

For a chance of winning a folding umbrella, just follow us on twitter (@umbrellashops) and retweet our message dated 2nd April for your chance to be included in our sweepstake for the Grand National 2013..

Good luck to all

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