Thursday 2 May 2013

The Power of Colour

Colours are basically divided into:
  • Primary colours – red, yellow, blue
  • Secondary colours – colours, composed of two primary (e.g. orange)
  • Warm colours – red, orange, yellow, brown
  • Cold colours – blue, green, purple
  • Neutral colours – white, brown, beige
  • Strong colours – intensive colours, not diluted with black, white or complementary colour
  • Pale colours – less intensive colours due to mixing with white, black or complementary colour

Psychology of colours and colours in a space

are very important in our lives as they directly influence our well-being and mood, and this in turn could help on a dull rainy day when you choose the colour of your umbrella. Everyone is different, and The Umbrella Shop has a huge range for everyone.

Each of us has their own range of popular colours and colours that they do not respond to. Consequently, the colourful world around us affects our health. Perception of colours depends on several factors: shade, type of light (daylight or artifical, intense or dim…) our general welfare, biological rhythm etc.

Influence of basic colours to our feelings:

Red colour       

Red is optimistic, vital colour of activity, heat, movement, struggle, of passionate life. It is the most human expressive, extraverted colour associated with fullness of life, courage, sacrifice, love, strong emotions and acts of passion. Red leaves nobody cold. You can love or hate, but it is hard to stay indifferent at red. Red increases muscle tone, promotes the pulse, raises blood pressure, promotes blood circulation, excretion of adrenaline and hepatic function. Deepens breathing, can cause headaches, but it is not suitable for fast and emotionally unstable persons.

 Lulu Guinness Red Lips Birdcage Umbrella

Orange colour  

Orange is a bright, shiny, warm colour of fire and sun. It is associated with sunrise or sunset, delicious fruits such as apricots, mandarins, oranges… To Indians it symbolizes courage and sacrifice. No more so aggressive and passionate as red, but as an emotional stimulant happy, nice colour, which helps to overcome fatigue. Due to the foregoing points it constitues a useful additional aid in treatment of depressions. Orange reflects warmth, generosity, it is light and playful. It also promotes appetite and helps in the morning to stand up.
Orange colour strengthens the lungs, pancreas and spleen and stimulates the activity of the heart. Digestion, increases appetite, it can either calm or excite.This colour can stabilizes emotions, some individuals get depressed. All shades of orange have the same meaning and effect depending only on the dominant component (yellow or red).

Black and Orange Golf Umbrella

Yellow colour   

Yellow is the colour of sun, light and optimism, which stimulates, activates and frees from fear. It retains the alertness and promotes concentration, symbolizes the creativity and wisdom. Promotes motor skills, her strong feature is communicative (reason why mail boxes are yellow). On the walls and elsewhere in the house it has a positive effect on welfare.
Yellow has the greatest impact on the respiratory organs, helps in treatment of psychonevroses,increases blood pressure, accelerates pulse and breathing rate, has positive effect on nervous system. The most common shades of yellow are: cloudy yellow (calming, thinking), live yellow (agility, boldness, relaxation), olive yellow (gloomy mood) and citron yellow (alertness, vivacity, liveliness, perfection).

Yellow Sunflower Umbrella

Green colour    

They say the colour of health. With green colours they try to cure hysteria and nervous fatigue as it has calming influence on nervous system and is effective for depression, migraines can be mitigated. Light green expands capillares, reduces pressure, induces internal secretion juices. On the other hand the colour of peace, calmness, rest, reflection and study. Its symbolism affects human emotions, soothes and relaxes. It is a sign of balance.
It is best for soothing bathrooms and bedrooms, it may also take the form of vegetation. It has adverse effects to red: lowers blood pressure, calms nervous system, migraines, establishes a personal balance, eliminating fatigue and insomnia and expands capillaries.

Olive Green Umbrella

Blue colour      

Blue is a basic colour. Its opposite is yellow, a mixture of both is green, which combines features of both: in nature it is widespread in the azure sky, which is reflected in the water. The symbolism of blue: wisdom, intelligence, immortality, infinity, depth, nobility, spirituality, mysticism. Its psychological associations: clear, fresh, light (colour atmospheres), transparent, airy, distant, quiet………… Psychological effects of blue: slowing heart rate, reducing respiratory rhythm, sothing, encouraging mental activity, introspection, concentration, focus inwards – they say it is the colour of peace and rest.

Blue Umbrella with white spots

Violet colour    

Violet colour is a mixture of blue and red, more of one or the other you add a more characteristic colour shade you get and thus also an appropriate share of both – blue peace, remoteness, spirituality …. And red colours of movement, passion, vitality, heat, energy... Because it combines features of such extremely different primary colours (hot, cold… ) it works somehow mysterious.

Violet / Purple Umbrella

White colour

White is the colour of clarity and is a mixture of all three waves of natural colours: yellow, red and blue. As a result, to white we respond positively. It symbolizes clarity, innocence and purity, as well as a new beginning, rebirth. In conjunction with light blue shades it works very cold. It is also a symbol of divinity, perfection, pride, kindness and the eternal.
White house is light, it looks spacious, but much white looks lean, sterile and almost like in a hospital, it is recommended that white walls are adorned with paintings, posters or framed pictures. At the selection of colours in your room we try to combine colours, which reflect best our character, as in this way we shall create environment, in which we shall feel comfortably and homely.

White Umbrella.

 White Umbrella

White Umbrella